Dr. Lutz Stäudel
Competence for training and consulting in science education
After three decades of science teachers training at the University of Kassel (Germany) and after more than one decade of intense work within and associated with the model projects SINUS and SINUS-Transfer* which dealt with teaching development and improvement of learning conditions I now offer my experiences for teaching staff training at schools, focussing on teaching methods in science classes. Resident in Leipzig (since 2011) most of my workshops took and take place in Germany, but besides there have been places between like Kiev & Istanbul as well as Jakarta, Capetown, Jo'burg, Durban, Nairobi - the latter on behalf of the Siemens Foundation (and of course in English).
Note: The range of my websites in English does not cover the German presence fully, the topics provided here are focussing on
- Incremental worked examples / Tasks with tipcards
- Methodical tools (in tradition of J. Leisen)
If You are interested in other aspects of mywork please contact me or look at my websites in German.